Happy Mother's Day

05-03-2015Pastor's LetterMsgr. Gregory W. Gordon

On Sunday, May 10, we celebrate Mother’s Day. We will gather in our parish for Sunday Mass on Mother’s Day, in this glorious Easter Season, and remember all our beloved mothers, living and deceased, in prayer. Saint Anne Parish will also offer a Novena of Masses for our mothers. You may enroll your mother in our Mother’s Day Novena by simply writing her name on the enclosed envelope and returning it to the parish either through the offertory or at the parish office before May 10. Any offering you wish to give is gratefully accepted. We will continue this prayerful remembrance in honor of your mothers for nine days, and place their names upon our Altar from Sunday, May 10 through Monday, May 18.

Beautiful Mother’s Day Mass Cards, in English and in Spanish, will be available to you and may be picked up in the designated boxes in our Church sanctuary if you would like to send to your mother a Catholic Mass Card Remembrance.