Online Bulletin

Announcements and Events

Pre-Baptismal Classes / Clases Pre-Bautismales

Due to the holiday season, there will be no pre-baptismal classes in the month of December.

Classes will resume in January.


Advent Penance Service / Servicio Penitencial de Adviento

Several priests from our archdiocese will be here to hear confessions.

Varios sacerdotes de la arquidiócesis estarán aquí para escuchar confesiones.

Rosary Makers

Our Rosary Maker group is looking for dedicated and reliable people to join them in making rosaries for missionary priests around the world.


Simbang Gabi

6:00pm Mass will be followed by a reception in the gym. All are invited!

Después de la Misa de 6:00pm habrá en el gimnasio una recepción. ¡Son todos invitados!

Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of Mr. Magnus Igbokwe

At Saint Joseph Husband of Mary Roman Catholic Church
7260 West Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117

Parish Posada / Posada Parroquial

The parish Posada will be celebrated after the 6:00pm Mass. All are welcome to celebrate this Mexican tradition.

Note: Posada will be in Spanish.


Christmas Mass Schedule / Horario de las Misas de Navidad

Christmas Eve 9:00pm English Mass & 12:00am Spanish Mass
Christmas Day 8:00am, 5:00pm English Masses & 10:00am, 7:00pm Spanish Masses


Charismatic Prayer Group

Last Saturday of the month at the 4:00pm Mass

January 1 Holy Day Mass Schedule

Tue, Dec 31: 5:00pm English Mass & 7:00pm Spanish Mass
Wed, Jan 1: 7:30am, 5:00pm English Masses & 7:00pm Spanish Mass

XXXI Archdiocesan Congress of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

At the World Market Center-Expo